Blue Business Card

Blue Business Keynote Theme - Slide 1 Blue Business Keynote Theme - Slide 2 Blue Business Keynote Theme - Slide 3 Blue Business Keynote Theme - Slide 4 Blue Business Keynote Theme - Slide 5 Blue Business Keynote Theme - Slide 6 Blue Business Keynote Theme - Slide 7 Blue Business Keynote Theme - Slide 8


Another cool Keynote presentation theme for Business and Marketing. The background slide is divided into two parts, one with blue background (at the top) and a smaller white part at the bottom. White text on dark backgrounds will look best whereas on the white background you should put simple black text for best readership.

Modify the text, images and data and make your own cool presentation about new upcoming products or simply present your business idea with with this free Blue Business Card Theme.

Blue Business Card
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